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Book, Lyrics and Music By Annabelle Lee Revak


The Other Palace Studio, 2024

"A song for a song and a rhyme for a rhyme"

- the Tellers Code


In the world of Windsong, there are Tellers, who trade the tales of their town with tales from around the world, delivered by the Wind - 'a song for a song, and a rhyme for a rhyme' as they say.


But in Sam's remote, snowy village, the ironworks industry has died, and so the villagers are not doing much worth Telling about, and Sam falls into debt with the Wind, always taking tales but never able to give anything substantial in return.


Finally, the Wind has had enough, so she tears Sam's meagre song and scatters the pieces. When Sam comes back with no tale, the villagers are distraught, and several of them determine to set out to find the pieces. 

R&D Cast













Villarger 1:


Villager 2:


Villager 3:







Music Director:






Creative Team

Roshani Abbey


Steven Serlin


Courtney Bowman


Jacob Venet


Emily Benjamin


Benjamin Stone


Alice Croft


Nathan Johnston


Charlotte Bradley





Allison Heinz


Lauren Hopkinson


Leo Aram-Downs​​


Croft & Dye Productions 




“A song for a song, and a rhyme for a rhyme” is the Teller’s Code, and we know that the price of staging a new musical doesn’t come cheap. 


As we look ahead to the development of this production and the next milestones we’re striving towards, we’re seeking further partners to help nurture the show's life and bring audiences into this beautiful world.


In September 2024, we produced a week-long R&D of the production, culminating in a closed sharing, with the intent of revising both the book and lyrics to make sure that the story is as impactful as possible. The show has previously been supported by Jamboree, Mercury Musical Development, and the Jane Goodman Charitable Trust. 


Now, we’re planning a second workshop for the musical in London, 2025 - with a planned invite-only industry showcase to share the creative team's vision to any potential partners, investors and venues, and to discuss the next phases of the show.


If that might be you, then please get in touch with us at for further details about the production, the 2025 workshop, and the road that the show has travelled so far.

Croft & Dye Productions Ltd. is a private company limited by guarantee.

Registered in England and Wales, No. 15235560

© 2025

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